Police: Tahoe Crashed While Running from Police


A woman driving a Chevrolet Tahoe was involved in a rollover crash on N. Bryant and 4th St. at approximately 7:30 p.m. Thursday evening near the Starbucks. Police said no other vehicles appeared to be involved this early in the investigation.

The woman was rushed to a hospital with incapacitating injuries. An officer at the scene said she appeared to be in stable condition. Based upon observations at the scene, we are assuming the Tahoe had only one occupant.

The most of the northbound lanes of N. Bryant are closed while emergency responders clear the scene.

We will have more information as it becomes available to us.

Update 9:15 p.m.

According to Sgt. Cade Solsbery, the woman driving the Tahoe was spotted speeding 65 in a 40 several miles south of the crash scene headed north on S. Bryant. An officer pulled out to pursue the Tahoe, but the woman fled. Following safety rules of engagement, the policeman decided not to pursue any further as the Tahoe sped up and he lost sight of it. A high-speed chase may have unnecessarily placed others in danger, Solsbery said. Shortly thereafter, the Tahoe crashed, minutes after 7 p.m.

Solsbery confirmed only one vehicle was involved in the crash. The Tahoe ran up on a curb on the east side of the road (right side) that caused it to roll over into the outside lanes of traffic. Solsbery said speed was definitely a factor. And there was more.

"She indicated that she had been drinking," Solsbery reported, though no official tests have been accomplished this early in the investigation to determine if she was intoxicated. 

The woman may not have been wearing a seatbelt either. During the crash, she was ejected from the Tahoe and thrown 30-40 feet, Solsbery said.

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