San Angelo, TX - City of San Angelo University of COSA U is accepting applications for the October-May session. Classes provide San Angeloans the opportunity to learn how their city government works.
Topics covered will include water, streets, garbage collection, community and economic development, public safety, and parks and recreation among others.
Classes will be every third Thursday at 5:30 p.m. of every month for up to 2 hours in a variety of City facilities. The classes are free to the public and only require a short application that can be filled out at Applications will be accepted through Sept 28th.
Only requirements are that participants must be 18 years of age and live inside the city limits. Close to 50 citizens have become graduates of COSA U since it opened its doors in 2013.
“COSA U has accomplished what we were hoping it would. It has engaged citizens in their municipal government. That enables them to help us explain to their families, friends, neighbors and co-workers how and why City government operates as it does,” said Public Information Officer Anthony Wilson.
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