Clear your calendars for Saturday, July 23, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. San Angeloans. The 2nd Annual Motor Madness Extravaganza is back at the VFW, located at 125 S. Browning Street, behind Lowes. The car show will be benefiting High Sky Children's Ranch, whose mission is dedicated to healing abused children and promoting family wholeness.
Event organizer 'Princess Vixen' is the proud founder and president of the 'Dazzling Dames' San Angelo chapter, a vintage inspired sisterhood dedicated to helping and empowering other women.
"I have an amazing team of 15 members [who] stand behind me locally, and we do events like this and much more," said PV. "Soon, there will be chapters in San Antonio, Midland and Pecos opening up as well."

The group has been working in conjunction with Rust Street Ministries, The Women's Shelter, CPS, and countless other agencies, and PV receives phone calls all the time from those in need.
"We are the only group in the nation that has kids involved," said PV. "We have girls as young as 5-17 years of age, to where we introduce our vintage lifestyle; and [we] have numerous activities building their confidence, self esteem and independence, stressing girls don't have to show their 'all' to get noticed. They learn everything from baking, cooking, etiquette training and more. We partner up with local car clubs, and the girls learn things like how to check the oil and even how to change a tire. It's important that young girls realize they don't need a man to validate them, to respect themselves, and it's always better to build them up over having to repair broken women. It's amazing to watch when women join, and, over time, transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly, [for] every woman is beautiful in her own way."

PV added, "I'm a plus size pin up girl who has learned to love herself, flaws and all, and want women to realize the only person they need to accept them is themselves."
She added that she is "the epitome of nothing can break you unless you allow it to."
"My hope is that every woman and girl realize their worth and see their own beauty," said PV.
PV's positivity and motivational attitude are infectious, and she has been through many trials and tribulations in her own life. Fortunately, she has been able to overcome numerous obstacles, and, in a way, is paying it forward.

Extremely passionate and dedicated to anything having to do with helping out women and children, PV said, "It takes a community to raise our kids." She added that there are 323 kids in foster care in the community's system, but there are only 33 beds.
"We have to help out where we can," said PV.
She named many projects her group has helped out with, including school supply drives, coats for kids, Toys for Tots, Healthy Families, Children's Fairs, and the like, and added the group spends a lot of quality time together. On their outings, they dress Rockabilly and Pin Up and just spend time building each other up. She is especially proud of her son who is only 14, and has her same compassion. He's currently working on starting up a soup kitchen ran by teens to help feed those less fortunate.
"We have to set an example for our kids, and it's good for them to follow our good acts in the community," PV said.

For the upcoming car show, PV wanted to let the public know they're still accepting vendor applications. Craft vendors are $25, and food vendors $40. Also, stay tuned for the group's "Back to School Festival" to benefit children in need, which will be in August. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. At last year's BTSF, PV said, "We did the school supply drive for the kiddos at the Family Emergency Shelter, partnering up with The Ruff Riders Motorcycle Club, and some local stylists gave free haircuts."
With that being said, be sure and check out the car show, buy a few raffle tickets, enter for the door prizes, enjoy some live music, and sign up for the Pin Up Contests. And of course, tell the Dazzling Dames how much you appreciate their efforts in our community,
For more information on the car show, other upcoming events, or Princess Vixen, please check out her Facebook page, or call 325-500-8658.
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