Police: One Boy Shot, Another Boy Hit By Truck at New Apartments in San Angelo


Two young boys were injured early Friday evening in two separate but related incidents.

According to San Angelo Police Sgt.Travis Griffith, the supervisor on duty, at 8:21 p.m., police responded to a crash that involved a 5-year-old boy at the Vistas at Red Creek Apartments behind Suddenlink on Green Hill Rd.

When police arrived, they learned that another boy, 7, had been shot in the leg.

The initial investigation revealed that the 7-year-old boy had a gunshot wound in his leg, likely self-inflicted due to an accident. His father had loaded his wounded son into his truck and was quickly attempting to back out of a parking spot and take him to the hospital.

In the process, the father accidentally hit the 5-year old backing out.

Griffith said that police so far believe both incidents are accidents. The boys are not related, Griffith said.

Two ambulances arrived to take each boy to the hospital and proceeded to the hospital without lights and sirens. A subsequent report over the radio revealed that the 5-year-old who was hit by the truck did not have any broken bones. EMS called it a “glancing blow,” not a direct hit. “He’s going to be okay,” we learned over the radio.

Griffith said that police would update the media once detectives have completed their investigation.


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