Tabors of San Angelo Hosts its 10th Annual Holiday Bazaar


Saturday saw the 10th year of the Tablors of San Angelo Interior Holiday Bazaar, with 52 vendors setting up shop for the last show before Christmas.

“It’s more than just a show, it’s an event that artists come together for,” said Lydy Tabor of Tabor Interiors.

Glasswork, pottery, woodwork, clothing, candles and even goat cheese lined tables for sale near the Tabor Interiors building on 4816 Knickerbocker Rd.

The first bazaar, planned in only three days, started off with 12 artists and Tabors invited their usual clientele to shop.

“They went crazy for it and it kind of evolved from there,” said Angie Bale, organizer of the Bazaar.

The second year, they invited the Mt. Caramel Hermitage to participate, who’ve continued coming to the bazaar every year thereafter.

“The monks are a great draw,” explained Bale. “It benefits their cause and brings people out here that might not have come otherwise.”

Bale also mentioned that the fee for artists and vendors is low, barely helping to cover the cost of advertising, in order to keep the cost down for the vendors.

One big draw for the vendors is that they’ve all become friends.

“Artists who’ve become best friends always sign up early so they can set up next to each other,” Bale explained.

One artist, Jo Beth Lowry, who specializes in glasswork, had nothing but praise for the show.

“It’s very high quality and everyone comes out here to get Christmas presents,” she said. “It really is a fabulous show.

Tabor and Bale mentioned that they take the bazaar year by year to decide what to do next, something that has never let them down.

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