WATCH: Val Verde County Commissioners Vote Unanimously to Sue Feds Over Haitian Invasion

DEL RIO, TX – The Val Verde County Commissioner's Court voted unanimously Tuesday to formally seek legal action against President Joe Biden for the invasion of the county in Del Rio.

In the video above, posted to social media on Sep. 29, County Commissioner Beau Nettleton moved to file suit following a heartfelt speech over how the White House has failed Del Rio.

"It is time that we get together with other counties and cities along the border to stand up and do something," said Commissioner Nettleton. "I don't have the answer to whether a lawsuit solves this problem but it draws attention to this problem. They took the same oath of office that I did which is to uphold the constitution, the laws of the United States and the laws of Texas. They need to do their job and stop what is going on."

This is coming off of an invasion of illegal Haitian immigrants into Del Rio. At one point the number of illegals was more than one third of Del Rio's population of 35,000. During the invasion San Angelo LIVE! reported that Val Verde County Officials continuously attempted to speak to federal authorities but were left in the dark. For more see: WATCH: Val Verde County Judge Says Biden is to Blame for the Invasion of Del Rio

Days later, after Texas exhausted many resources, the Biden administration began flying members of the group back to Haiti. Now the bridge has been cleared and is reopened. Commissioner Nettleton is convinced that this is just the calm before the next storm.

"I don't want to put our county in this position but we have no choice because it's going to happen again and it has to end." said Commissioner Nettleton. 

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Looks like the utopian socialist wants to keep treasonous rats in his home. That's a shame. If you don't get rid of the rats they'll give you a nibble and rabies. You don't want that to spread.


Typical liberal utopian socialist can't do his own work.^^^ Has to ask a republican to do it for them all the while talking smack about them. 

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