"Thanks To God We Survived The Coronavirus"

BRADY, TX -- The drug hydroxychloroquine has faced plenty of scrutiny in the treatment of COVID-19 but for a Brady man it was the drug that the doctor ordered that allowed him to beat the coronavirus. 

It was in the early morning hours of Friday, April 3 after extreme feelings of lower back pain that Brady resident Pablo Esquivel was taken to the emergency room by his fiance Kristy Medrano. 

Although back pains are not linked to the coronavirus it was a CT Scan that revealed kidney stones, and an x-ray that revealed pneumonia that led healthcare staff at the Heart of Texas Healthcare System Emergency Room to test Esquivel for COVID-19.

Days later, after testing positive for COVID-19, Esquivel along with his fiance and two daughters were advised to quarantine at their home in Brady. According to Esquivel it's unknown of how he obtained the virus.

With Esquivel testing positive for COVID-19, his family immediately tested. His fiance and oldest daughter tested positive leaving his youngest daughter the only member of the family to test negative for the coronavirus. 

Three of the four members of the family are the only positive test cases in McCulloch County as of April 30 according to The Heart of Texas Healthcare System. The Brady hospital has tested 138 individuals with 127 tests coming back undetected for the coronavirus. There are currently eight tests pending. 

Watch as Esquivel and his fiance describe the trip to the hospital leading to a case of coronavirus he'll never forget along with how hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, also known as a Z-pack, played a role in his recovery. 


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