The Resistance: They're Still Cutting Hair

SAN ANGELO, TX -- With many hairdressers, barbers, and cosmetologists looking to get back to work since they were shut down about a month ago due to the coronavirus pandemic, Texas Governor Greg Abbott gave them a glimmer of hope on Wednesday. 

Governor Abbott made an appearance on the "Chad Hasty Show" on Lubbock's 95.1 and KFYO-AM telling listeners, “We’re going to be making an announcement opening so many different types of businesses, where you’re going to be able to go to a hair salon … go to any type of retail establishment you want to go to, different things like that, with a structure in place that will ensure that we slow the spread of the coronavirus,” he said.

At this point, it's still uncertain when hair salons will reopen but in an exclusive interview, one Dallas-Fort Worth hairstylist shared with San Angelo LIVE! that's she's still in business. 

Watch as the hairstylist talks about why she continues to work despite Abbott ordering hair salons to shut down a month ago, plus what hairstylists and cosmetologists are up against if they're caught operating during this time. 





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I’m a self-employed massage therapist and my only source of income are my clients. It seems like the self-employed have been forgotten in all this. I’m still waiting on my stimulus check with no income in sight . It’s very frustrating talking to people that are still being allowed to work with no loss of income and they have are already received their checks. I don’t have access to unemployment benefits because I haven’t worked for a company in ten years. I have a business with minor expenses and no employees. But I will be responsible for paying all deferred booth rent and arrears on other expenses. I also have clients wanting me to come to their homes. If this keeps up much longer without assistance I will be forced to brake the law also.


You'd think someone wanted us all to rise up and demand some kind of socialist UBI in response to this whole crisis. Weird.

Too bad COVID-19 is so soooper hard to cure and is hiding under your bed, in your closet, on your mom, in green eggs with ham, on a chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough, on your tractor, in church, in the abandoned missile silo you built your bunker in, sprinkled all over your spicy double chalupa, floating in the air on the exact path you take your dog walking on, but not where the essential workers are at. Or in poor countries.

Of course, COVID-19 only chills in style...

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