Microchip Reunites Texas Dog With Owner After Two Years Apart


WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TX – A microchip helped reunite a lost dog with its owner two years after the pet disappeared.

The dog, named Stallone, vanished two years ago, leaving his owner heartbroken. Despite extensive searches and social media posts, there were no leads—until someone reported seeing a dog resembling Stallone lying in a ditch. When his owner checked, there was no sign of him.

This past weekend, Animal Control officers found Stallone alone in a ditch, behind barbed wire, cold and hungry. A passerby provided food and called for help. When officers scanned for a microchip, they discovered Stallone was registered. His owner, who had since moved to Killeen, rushed to the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter upon receiving the call.

After two years, Stallone and his owner were reunited.

"This is why microchips matter," information from the shelter stated. "They bring families back together. If your pet isn't chipped, get it done. If they are, make sure your contact information is up to date because one scan can change everything. Just ask Stallone."

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