One Month Until Texas Eliminates Most Vehicle Safety Inspections


SAN ANGELO, TX – In just one month, Texas drivers will see the end of most vehicle safety inspections as House Bill 3297, passed during the 88th Legislative Session, takes effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

The law abolishes the Vehicle Safety Inspection Program for non-commercial vehicles across the state, requiring a new “inspection program replacement fee” of $7.50 added to annual registration costs. New vehicles—either current or prior model years that haven’t been previously registered in Texas or another state—will face a $16.75 fee covering two years.

Despite the changes, emissions inspections will still be mandatory in pollution-affected counties, including Harris, Dallas, El Paso, and Travis counties. Vehicles in these areas will also be subject to the $7.50 replacement fee. Additionally, in November 2026, Bexar County will begin requiring emissions inspections.

Commercial vehicles will continue to need safety inspections statewide. Registration requirements remain under the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.

For more information, the Texas Department of Public Safety is directing residents to its website.

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