DPS Promotes iWatchTexas for ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Day


AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Department of Public Safety is reminding Texans this week of the iWatchTexas program—a "critical resource" the public can use to report suspicious activity or behavior in their schools and communities—ahead of National “If You See Something, Say Something” Awareness Day on Sept. 25.

“Our state is safer when we all do our part to speak up if we see something strange or suspicious—and that includes reporting suspicious behavior or activity in and around schools and out in the community,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “Through the iWatchTexas program, Texans can quickly and easily communicate with law enforcement officers and help protect our state.”

The iWatchTexas program allows Texans to report any suspicious activities or behaviors that may indicate criminal, terroristic or school safety-related threats.

The public can report those behaviors via the mobile app, online at www.iwatchtx.org or by calling 1-844-643-2251. A report usually takes less than five minutes, and once submitted, each report is reviewed by law enforcement analysts. All reports are confidential (providing contact information, which is optional, will allow for follow-up questions).

Often times, preparations for crimes, terrorist attacks and threats to school safety may be seen by someone but not reported. When in doubt, DPS encourages everyone to speak up. Here are some examples of behaviors and activities to report:

  • Comments made regarding killing or harming someone.
  • Strangers asking questions about building security features and procedures.
  • A social media post about a possible school attack.
  • People requesting sensitive information, such as blueprints, security plans or VIP travel schedules, without a need to know.
  • Purchasing supplies that could be used to make bombs or weapons or purchasing uniforms without having the proper credentials.
  • Taking photographs or videos of security features, such as cameras or checkpoints.

The iWatchTexas app is available at no costs to iPhone users on the Apple App Store (iWatchTexas) and for Android users on Google Play (iWatchTexas). Texans are urged to download the app now.

Note: The iWatchTexas program is not designed to report emergencies. If a situation requires an emergency response, call 911.

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