Belgian Cop Decks Out Tesla in Texas DPS Colors Out of Love for Lone Star State


SAN ANGELO, TX - A Belgian police officer has found a unique way to show his love for Texas—by transforming his Tesla into a Texas Department of Public Safety look-alike squad car.

Chris Knop, who has served in the Belgian Federal Police for 25 years, shared his vehicle’s Texas-inspired makeover with the Central Texas DPS.

Knop’s fascination with Texas runs deep. For the past five years, he’s visited the state annually and has already set his sights on a 2025 trip. His ultimate dream? Relocating to the Lone Star State. 

"Huge thanks to Chris for sharing these amazing photos and for his dedication to law enforcement, both in Belgium and as a Texas fan from afar," DPS stated. "Stay safe, and we hope to meet you in Texas soon!" 

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