‘Secret Squirrel Facility’ Appears on Google Maps Near New Braunfels


NEW BRUANFELS, TX - A mysterious building labeled as the “Secret Squirrel Facility” on Google Maps sparked online speculation after a Reddit user spotted the location near New Braunfels, Texas.

The facility, identified at 710 Conrads Lane, appears to house several satellite dishes, and Google has tagged it as a “government office.”

‘Secret Squirrel Facility’ Appears on Google Maps Near New Braunfels

‘Secret Squirrel Facility’ Appears on Google Maps Near New Braunfels

The discovery quickly garnered attention on social media, where users joked about secretive activities at the site. Some referenced a 1965 children’s cartoon about a secret agent squirrel, while others called for more transparency from elected officials about the facility.

According to Comal County property records, the building is owned by Dish Broadcasting Corporation. Despite the intrigue, experts from ClearanceJobs, a career networking site for individuals with government security clearance, explained that the term “secret squirrel” refers to someone involved in covert operations or secret projects.

‘Secret Squirrel Facility’ Appears on Google Maps Near New Braunfels

‘Secret Squirrel Facility’ Appears on Google Maps Near New Braunfels

Recently, Google changed the facility’s label to “Avengers Southern Headquarters,” further fueling speculation about the site’s purpose.

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