Texas to Host World’s Largest Steam Locomotive During Fall Tour


HOUSTON, TX — Union Pacific’s "Big Boy" No. 4014, the world’s largest operating steam locomotive, will visit Texas this fall as part of its “Heartland of America Tour.”

The locomotive will make whistle-stops in Houston on October 6 and in Fort Worth on October 10-11.

The eight-week tour begins on August 29 in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and includes stops in 10 states, including Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas. The tour will conclude in late October.

Big Boy No. 4014, built during World War II, is the only one of its kind still in operation. The tour follows the engine’s earlier “Westward Bound Tour” that covered five states from Wyoming to California.

Union Pacific urges rail fans to stay 25 feet back from the tracks while viewing the locomotive and to refrain from standing on the track or climbing on the equipment.

steam tracking map showing No. 4014's location and route will be available at upsteam.com.

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