Billy Bob's Texas Mixes New Drinks with San Angelo's Free Rein Coffee


FORT WORTH, TX — Yellowstone’s Cole Hauser’s (aka Rip Wheeler), Free Rein Coffee Company, is now officially available at Billy Bob’s Texas, the World’s Largest Honky Tonk, as the official premium coffee served!

In case you are unfamiliar, Free Rein Coffee is slow-roasted in small batches, so every sip is smooth and full of flavor. American owned and made, Free Rein Coffee believes in serving those who serve their country and communities. 

"Those local or visiting the Fort Worth  area won’t want to miss out on trying the new best coffee in town," said Avery Percy, who handleds PR for Billy Bob's. 

In addition to purchasing Free Rein product at the venue, Billy Bob’s customers can order the “Midnight Rider” Cocktail - the ultimate summer drink, inclusive of vodka, Free Rein's American Dirt cold brew concentrate, and irish cream. Percy gave us the recipe so you can also recreate the signature Billy Bob's drink using Free Rein at home.

Midnight Rider Cocktail Recipe:

  • 1.5 oz Vodka
  • 1 oz American Dirt Cold Brew Concentrate
  • 1 oz Irish Cream
  • Ice Cubes
Yellowstone’s Cole Hauser’s (aka Rip Wheeler) and his Free Rein Coffee Company

Yellowstone’s Cole Hauser’s (aka Rip Wheeler) and his Free Rein Coffee Company

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