Southwest Airlines Celebrates 53rd Birthday with $53 Airline Tickets


DALLAS, TX — Need a vacation? Southwest Airlines is celebrating its 53rd birthday with a special promotion offering one-way flights starting at $53. Customers have until Thursday night to book discounted flights, which include destinations in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, international locations, and across the continental United States.

Travel dates vary based on the destination:

  • Continental U.S.: Aug. 6 to Dec. 18
  • Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and International: Aug. 20 to Nov. 20

Examples of $53 flights include nonstops between Atlanta and Tampa, Chicago and Minneapolis, and Los Angeles and Phoenix.

Southwest notes that blackout dates apply, and there are limited travel days and routes available for this promotion.

If anyone needs to plan a last-second vacation, this might be one of the best deals to take advantage of before it ends.


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