Vendor Mixes Up Gas & Diesel Damaging Vehicles at Popular Allsup's


HALE CENTER, TX — A Hale Center Allsup’s convenience store became the center of attention Thursday as a fuel vendor mistakenly switched the gasoline and diesel tanks, leading to complications for unsuspecting customers.

Hale Center is located north of Lubbock, it is situated in between Lubbock and Plainview. 

Yesway, the fuel vendor responsible, acknowledged the error in a statement released on Thursday evening. 

The company disclosed that customers began experiencing issues with their vehicles after purchasing gas at the Hale Center Allsup’s location.

"We apologize for any inconvenience or trouble that may have caused and are working with our customers to ensure those affected are made whole and receive reimbursement for repairs, towing, and alternate transportation costs they may have had as a result," stated Yesway in a press release.

As the repercussions of the mix-up continue to unfold, Yesway has opened communication channels for affected individuals. Customers who believe they were impacted by the inadvertent switch are encouraged to reach out to Yesway for assistance and resolution.

This incident raises concerns not only for Yesway but also for the customers who unwittingly filled their vehicles with the wrong type of fuel. The potential damage to engines and fuel systems could result in costly repairs for affected individuals.

If you believe you were affected by the gas mix-up, contact Yesway here.

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