Don't Mess With Texas: Weaponized Justice Dept. Sues Texas Over Border Buoys


WASHINGTON, D.C. - The politicized U.S. Dept. of Justice, under the direction of Democrat President Biden, has sued the State of Texas, and by extension the people of Texas, for the buoy barrier installed along a small strip of the Rio Grande river to keep migrants from illegally entering the sovereign state.  

The Texas Tribune is reporting that hours after the lawsuit was filed, Abbott took to Twitter saying, “Texas will see the Biden Administration in court to aggressively defend our sovereign authority to secure the border. Biden’s open border policies created this humanitarian disaster. Texas will continue to exercise our constitutional right to respond,” accompanied by video of him on Fox News discussing the case. 

The lawsuit was filed in an Austin federal court and alleges the barrier was installed without authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“Because Texas installed the Floating Barrier without seeking the Corps’ authorization, the Corps and other relevant federal agencies were deprived of the opportunity to evaluate risks the barrier poses to public safety and the environment, mitigate those risks as necessary through the permitting process, and otherwise evaluate whether the project is in the public interest,” the lawsuit says.

The lawsuit also alleges that the floating barrier obstructs navigation on the river and demands that the state remove the barrier.

This a developing story. 

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