Texas Marine Killed During Terrorist Attack in Kabul


LAREDO, TX –– As the aftermath of the horrific terrorist attacks in Kabul unfolds, five of the thirteen fallen servicemen have been identified.

According to local media outlets, one of the Marines was 20-year-old David Lee Espinoza of Laredo.

Espinoza graduated from Lyndon B. Johnson High School in Laredo in 2019.

David Espinoza | NY Post

David Espinoza | NY Post

Congressman Henry Cuellar issued a statement after the news broke.

"Mr. Espinoza embodied the values of America: grit, dedication, service, and valor. When he joined the military after high school, he did so with the intention of protecting our nation and demonstrating his selfless acts of service," said Cuellar. "Mr. Espinoza is a hero.” 

National news outlets have identified the four additional fallen servicemen after their families identified them first. Military protocol states no information regarding the fallen servicemen will be released until 24 hours after family members have been notified.

Three of the Marines were identified as Kareem Nikoui of California, Rylee McCollum of Wyoming, and Jared Schmitz  of Missouri. The Navy medic killed in the attack was identified as Maxton Soviak of Ohio.

Espinoza is survived by his brother, mother, and stepfather.

Kareem Nikoui (L) | Maxton Soviak C) | Rylee McCollum (R)

Kareem Nikoui (L) | Maxton Soviak C) | Rylee McCollum (R) 

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