Albert the Alligator Makes Triumphant Return


ABILENE, TX -- Weeks after the veterinary staff at the Abilene Zoo noticed Albert the Alligator was lethargic and refused to eat, he made a comeback on July 11th. Albert underwent multiple tests to determine if any major health problems were causing his symptoms.

“We are cautiously optimistic that Albert is starting to act like his old self, but we do still worry that he is quite the geriatric alligator,” stated Zoo Veterinarian Dr. Stephanie Carle. “Take care in knowing the Abilene Zoo is dedicated to providing the best care to all of our animals young and old. When animals live to be geriatric it simply means they have been well cared for and we are proud of that.”

The prolonged winter and recent unusual weather patterns could also be to blame for Albert's symptoms.

According to the zoo, in order to celebrate Albert's return, Zookeepers hosted a Gator Grub, a special chat, and live feeding on Sunday, July 11th at 11:00 am. 

“Let’s just say he was a little late to the summer party,” said Animal Care Supervisor Tony Baez. “Albert is back to his old self enjoying his favorite weekly meals. We’re glad the old guy is ready to celebrate summer. I know the community and all of Albert’s fans are ready to see him. If Gator Grub goes well, we will continue the event every Sunday at 11 am along with our daily chats for the summer through Labor Day weekend".

Albert's return is part of the Abilene Zoo's 55th Anniversary.

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