Dyess Airforce Base to House B-21 Raider


ABILENE, TX — Dyess Air Force Base has announced it will be a base for the B-21 Raider bomber aircraft. Back in 2018, the base was selected as a candidate to house the long-range stealth bomber.

According to Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office Director Randall Walden, "The built-in feature of open systems architecture on the B-21 makes the bomber effective as the threat environment evolves. This aircraft design approach sets the nation on the right path to ensuring America’s enduring airpower capability.”

“Through award-winning community support and the most capable Airmen in the Armed Forces, Dyess Air Force Base has uniquely positioned itself as an indispensable weapon in our national defense arsenal,” said Congressman Jodey Arrington (CD-19).

“I am proud the Air Force recognized Dyess’ proven ability to command the skies by selecting our base to enter the final stage of the process to house the next generation of bomber aircraft, the B-21 Raider. The B-1s and C-130Js at Dyess play an ever-expanding role in our national security and humanitarian efforts, and as overseas tensions continue to escalate, the B-21 will ensure our military can continue to project American strength around the globe abroad," he said in a statement.

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