State Representative Says Gov. Abbott Should Open Salons


ABILENE, TX – Texas State Representative Stan Lambert posted on Facebook Tuesday that he thinks Governor Greg Abbott should re-open hair salons and barber shops on May 1. 

"I believe cosmetologists, barbers, estheticians, and other beauty workers can all operate their businesses in a safe and responsible manner," said Rep. Lambert in the post. "They are licensed and regulated by the the state after many hours of training, certification exams and inspections."

Last week Governor Greg Abbott announced that restaurants, retail stores, and churches could open at 25% capacity starting on May 1. 

Lambert believes that barbers and cosmetologists should be able to open their doors and work as well.

"They should be allowed to join other businesses in re-opening at 25% capacity, utilizing social distancing and proper use of PPE on Friday, May 1." said Lambert. 

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