Fifth Grader Killed In ATV Crash After Donating Masks to Hospitals


MUNDAY, TX—A fifth-grader who spent hours sewing nearly 100 masks for hospitals was tragically killed in an ATV accident.

According to KTXS, Lexi Brooke Collins, 10, comes from a long family of nurses that include her mom, grandmother, aunt, and uncle.

Lexi donated the masks to Anson General Hospital. Staff at the hospital thanked Lexi for her kind gesture.

"Anson General Hospital received a very kind donation of hand-sewn face masks from a Munday, TX 5th grader. Thank you, Lexi Collins!! We are thankful for YOU!" said staff.

"Lexi was a remarkable child. She was bright, talented, wise beyond her years, but overall had the most precious spirit I've ever know," said Munday City Councilwoman Karen Logan. "She was always smiling."

A candlelight vigil has been planned for Lexi on Sunday at 8:45 p.m. at Centennial Park in Munday. Those who wish to attend are asked to bring candles, flashlights or cellphone lights and gather on the sidewalk while remaining at least six feet apart.

Lexi’s funeral will be held on Monday at First Baptist Church in Munday at 2:00 p.m.

Munday Elementary School is hosting a tribute area for Lexi where visitors can drop off flowers and notes. Turquoise ribbons are being tied around trees in Munday and Benjamin in Lexi's honor.

A bronze statue will be erected in Centennial Park to commemorate Lexi. The Keep Munday Beautiful committee is accepting donations from the public. Those who wish to contribute can write a check to:

Keep Munday Beautiful and write "LEXI" in the memo and drop it off at Buds for You or mail it to:

Buds for You
129 N. Birch
Munday, TX 76371

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