Tigers on the Border and It's Not Joe Exotic or Carole Baskin


BROWNSVILLE, TX – A tiger cub was found in a dufflebag on the border two years ago is currently doing well. 

And this cat has nothing to do with Joe Exotic or Carole Baskin.

Back in 2018 Border Patrol agents found a tiger cub inside a duffle bag in Brownsville on his way to be smuggled. The tiger now lives at the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue where he is thriving.

The cub, named Kenobi, was abandoned by the three smugglers who fled back to Mexico when they realized agents were on to them. Kenobi was sent to the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville for a few months until he was officially welcomed to In-Sync. Kenobi also found a friend at In-Sync in Kylo Ren.

Kylo Ren and Kenobi were slowly introduced and have become good friends. Having another cub to play, interact, learn and nap with stimulates healthy growth and development, just as it would in the wild for both cubs.

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