DPS: Yankees and Cajuns Will Fill Out a Form Before Traveling to Texas


AUSTIN – In response to Governor Abbott’s Executive Order, the Texas Department of Public Safety has added a required travel form and terms of self-quarantine to the DPS website for individuals traveling to Texas ­— with Texas being their final destination — through an airport from the Tri-State Area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, as well as from the city of New Orleans, to complete as part of the mandated self-quarantine outlined in the Executive Order. DPS is tasked with enforcing this Executive Order, which takes effect statewide at noon on Saturday, March 28, 2020.

Required Travel Form

As part of the Executive Order enforcement, DPS Troopers will be stationed at Texas airports to screen passengers traveling from the designated quarantine areas, beginning Saturday, March 28. Travelers who are subject to the self-quarantine are required to complete this form to provide DPS with identifying information, including their full name, date of birth, home address, driver license/passport information and quarantine location. 

Passengers can access the form on our website prior to traveling, which gives them the opportunity to complete it before disembarking the aircraft. Those who do not have a completed form will be provided one upon exiting the plane. 

Mandatory Terms of Self-Quarantine

Pursuant to Governor Abbott’s Executive Order, individuals must comply with the Mandatory Terms of Self-Quarantine. As part of the department’s efforts to ensure compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order, DPS Special Agents will conduct unannounced visits at the quarantine locations listed on the forms completed by travelers. 

Enforcement Action

DPS anticipates wide compliance with Governor Abbott’s Executive Order. However, it is important to note that under Texas Government Code § 418.173, failure to comply with these mandatory terms is a criminal offense punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, confinement in jail for up to 180 days, or both. DPS will take the appropriate enforcement action against anyone who fails to comply with the Executive Order. 

Additional Information

DPS is working with airports, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the airline industry to provide information and help ensure compliance with the orders.

Travel information, including the required form, for those impacted by the self-quarantine can be found online at www.dps.texas.gov/COVIDtravel.

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However I do not. Public service resources are already stretched too thinly to be used as an effective enforcement tool of this mandate. People may comply for a day or two, then will venture out or have friends over, knowing they'll not really be at risk of being caught.
On another note, Matt, you do the true Cajuns of Acadiana a disservice by calling New Orleans residents Cajuns. New Orleans is the NYC of the South, a true melting pot of Spanish, Italian, French, African and others, along with a few French speaking Cajuns. West of N.O. and Baton Rouge to Lake Charles is the highest concentration of Cajuns, with Lafayette and New Iberia being the heart of Acadiana.

There is another name for Cajuns that is more apropos. And I rarely utter the word Yankee without damn in front of it. While the good guvnah is at it, go ahead and also ban those from Chicago and Detroit. And don't leave out those left coast loonies. Better yet, make the ban permanent, as in forever.

there is a shelter in place order from our Governor why in the world are we letting people in?

Why is California, Chicago, Detroit, and the rest of the west coast not included? Also, what happens when people from all the mentioned and included locations either drive to Texas, or fly into neighboring states, and drive rental vehicles to Texas?? This Executive Order seems like a Band-Aid being placed on a jugular wound. Is it just me?

Hell no it isnt just you. Anyone who has ever...well, been around people, know that where there is a will there is a way, and people will lie cheat and steal to get their way. It gets better when you imagine that once the border cities on both sides get hit, the influx of people over the border will wreak havoc on Texas. They will bring their diseases and financial hardships with them, and expect us to foot the bill to save them all while breaking the laws put in place to protect them.

"Health professionals overwhelmed Trump and his inner circle with doomsday scenarios, bullied by panic-obsessed virologists and epidemiologists — begging for attention and copying the alarmist playbook from the climate/global warming extremists, allied with the MSM Trump-haters."


"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/03/weve_been_had_and_trump_knows_it.html#ixzz6I9QTjx37
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That's crazy because if you look at the cases of this "no worse than the flu" virus which have had an outcome (either recovery or death), then simple math shows that nearly 20% of those outcomes were death. Now, I'm no doctor nor am I a mathematician, but 1 in 5 means 1 in 5 in nearly every situation.


That figure is world wide by the way, if you look at the USA case outcomes (which are either recovery or death) it's wayyyyyy worse. Closer to 1 in 3. I don't want to alarm people though so I use the more palatable ratio of 1 in 5. If you don't trust that source, use any source you like. Take the amount of recovered and compare it to the deaths. Which again are the only 2 possible outcomes.

..is not Cajun country, not any more than Houstonians could be considered San Angeloans.

Suppose a New Mexico publication ran a headline spotlighting an influx of (possibly infected) visitors making their way from Harris County, and the headline pegged these visitors as ''Shit Kickers''.

Culturally and geographically, we're discussing apples and oranges, Matt.

I also believe the name Johnny alluded to was "coonass", an assumed pejorative to many outsiders, yet embraced with pride among many within Acadiana.

In this time of crisis, all of us Tejanos here *could* just sit around talking. Maybe we could sip some tea and write a petition to the Museum of Natural History to have them give back great grandma's shawl and some of the other ancient indigenous artifacts like those jugs of pulque they found so we can save on beer money. Maybe we can sit around and talk about Francophone racoons or whatever or cosplay as "Quarantina." ( https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157401997029412&id=562784411&anchor_composer=false&_ft_ )

OR we can rock gun sales like a force of nature, in record numbers, and help support an American industry, spending our hard earned money right here in the USA on products manufactured in the same great republic our ancestors fought for. It's not like these pea shooters are going to take out a tank or anything, (real life isn't Star Wars, and this isn't Endor/Afghanistan/Vietnam,) but we might as well stockpile now in case looting does occur.

They're also very useful in the event that an actual coronavirus decides to come at you: https://twitter.com/i/status/1235987095384190976

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