Texas AG: Price Gougers Will Be Prosecuted During Disaster Declaration


SAN ANGELO, TX – The Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has issued a warning for all retail suppliers reminding them that that state law strictly prohibits price gouging in the wake of a declared disaster. Those found to be involved in price-gouging can be fined up to $10,000 per violation, with an additional $250,000 if the affected consumers are elderly.

“My office will work aggressively to investigate and prosecute any price-gouger who takes advantage of a disaster declaration by selling necessities at an excessive price, including retail suppliers in grocery and pharmacy chains,” said Paxton. “

According to Paxton, the warning applies to those that supply retailers like grocery stores, pharmacies, and other types of businesses. Price gouging applies to any person or entity that is selling essential items deemed as necessities after the Governor or President declares a disaster.

The Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act states price gougers may be required to reimburse consumers and pay civil penalties or fines.

“No one is exempt from price gouging laws in Texas, and those who violate the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act will be met with the full force of the law.” 

Texans who believe they have encountered price gouging or disaster scams can call the Office of the Attorney General’s toll-free complaint line at (800) 621-0508 or file a complaint online.

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