Abilene’s Houses for Healing to Celebrate a Grand Opening


ABILENE, TX — Houses for Healing holds a grand opening and open house at the Sweetwater Area home located at 3052 North Hickory in Abilene.  The event will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, January 17 and 18 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

The grand opening will showcase the 392 sq. ft. “tiny house” purposed to benefit residents of the Sweetwater area who are in need of short term medical housing in Abilene.  Houses for Healing extends an open invitation to the region to come and see how these tiny houses will tangibly express the “Good Samaritan” heart of the Big Country in loving our neighbors. Visitors will also see the progress on our tiny house purposed to service our veterans.

Houses for Healing is outreach of the Sonrise Ministries of Abilene, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry providing tiny houses to the surrounding Big Country for the purpose of caring for the sick and loving our neighbors.  Each tiny house is adopted by local Abilene church congregations to offer a venue to the greater Body of Christ across denominational lines for engaging in local missions and outreach while bringing unity in purpose through service.

Their mission is to care for the sick by providing temporary housing to those who are receiving long-term medical treatment away from home.

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Looks like Abilene is ahead of the San Angelo in the area of this kind of help for people for there medical needs. So to both the hospitals in San Angelo Shannon Medical Center and San Angelo Community Medical Center wake up and figure this out. There are so many elderly people who travel and this would be the perfect solution. Hotels are too high. For people at Shannon who come in to receive Chemo for several days in a row then have to stay in a hotel in costly. We did this but had to go from here to San Antonio for part of it. For people that need to be at the hospital at 530 am for surgery it would be great. It's nearly impossible to get a child up and get them to the hospital if you live here much less if you drive from Odessa if your child has a cleft lip or palate and San Angelo is the closest place to come unless you drive to Dallas, San Antonio, or Austin. I cannot imagine there is not some kind of grant to get this done and I know for a fact San Angelo has enough churches in town for each of them to take care on one of them. There are good people in San Angelo so there may be individuals willing to take care of one too. If anyone agrees with this please post it . Then Joe Hyde ,your elected, take the info to the hospitals, city council and county commissioners and leave them a packet of post, Maybe they will open it and read them. The more post the better.

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