Eastland Fire Breaks Out and Two Officers Took Action


EASTLAND, TX -- There was a report of a house fire in the 200 block of South Connelle of Eastland. 

Two Officers of the Eastland Police Department, Kolton Preston, and Kevin Willis were the first on the scene. Upon arrival, they observed there was a fire on the front porch. The officers also saw that there were people still in the house. 

The officers entered the residence to extract the people. While in there, the living room and front bedroom engulfed in fire and began spreading rapidly and the house filled with smoke. 

The house did not have a back door, so the officers were forced to go through the front. One man ran out on his own while Officer Preston rushed a disabled man in a wheelchair through the fire and out the front door. Officer Willis then led the two remaining residence through the front door. 

The residence sustained minor burns. Officer Preston sustained burns and smoke inhalation. He was treated at the Eastland Memorial Hospital and later released. 

No cause of the fire has yet been reported. The courageous actions of the two Eastland Police Officers are commended.  

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Looks to me like the "residence" sustained maybe a little bit more than minor burns........ lol

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