Someone Bought a Winning Lotto Ticket in Abilene and Has Not Claimed Their $14.25 Million Prize


ABILENE, TX -- The $14.25 million lottery ticket from the mid-June Lotto Texas® drawing has yet to be redeemed. An Abilene area H-E-B that sold the ticket is getting rewarded.

The Texas Lottery presented the H-E-B on 1345 Barrow St. in Abilene a "ceremonial retailer bonus check" of $142,696.06, according to a KTXS report

A representative from the Texas Lottery said there is a 180-day window from when the drawing happened to redeem a winning ticket.  

The Texas Lottery also said these instances happen "occasionally" for a ticket not to be redeemed when the winning numbers were announced.

The drawing happened on June 17, 2017, meaning the ticket needs to redeemed by mid-December. 

The winning numbers are 3, 4 ,6 ,23 ,34 ,54. According to the Texas Lottery, the ticket was a Quick Pick.

H-E-B will donate a portion of the check to the NOAH project, according to lottery news release.

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