Father Whose Legs were Severed in a Boating Accident that Killed his Daughter Dies


TEMPLE, TX – A 37-year-old central Texas man has died two weeks after his legs were severed in a boating accident that took his daughter’s life. 

According to the Temple Daily Telegram, Patrick Oliver was with his 4-year-old daughter Katlyn in waist deep water in off Sandy Point in Temple Lake Park on Lake Belton when the accident occurred.  Lake Belton is near Killeen, 200 miles east of San Angelo.

Investigators say 44-year-old Jason Bernal of Killeen was backing his three story houseboat in the water and didn’t see the father and daughter. 

The girl died of lacerations and drowning.  Oliver’s legs were severed by the boat’s propeller while he was attempting to save his daughter’s life. 

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