Texas Governor Calls for Temporary Suspension of Grazing Restrictions after Panhandle Wildfires


AUSTIN, TX - Today, Governor Greg Abbott joined Governors Sam Brownback of Kansas, Susana Martinez of New Mexico, and Mary Fallin of Oklahoma in sending a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) calling for the temporary suspension of grazing restrictions in the Conservation Reserve Program after devastating wildfires. According to a press release, the letter also asks for the USDA-Farm Service Agency (FSA) to expedite implementation of the Emergency Conservation Program that will provide critical financial resources to affected farmers and ranchers to rebuild fences.

"Emergency grazing authorization would provide immediate relief to livestock producers in areas affected by the ongoing wildfires,” the letter reads. "These fires have also devastated critical infrastructure, including fencing, on farms and ranches in our states. The Emergency Conservation Program provides critical financial resources to affected farmers and ranchers to rebuild fences. We urge the Farm Service Agency to expedite the implementation of the Emergency Conservation Program in our states. The sooner the program is implemented, the faster the livestock industries in our states can begin to rebuild from this devastating event."

To review the official letter, click here.

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