Abilene Mayor Pro-Tem Calls on Citizens to Address Violent Crimes in Abilene


Mayor Pro-Tempore Anthony Williams and Chad Mitchell, Lead Pastor of Mission Abilene, called on all citizens of Abilene to attend the first A.C.T. meeting today at 6 p.m. on the Mission Abilene Campus, 3001 N. 3rd Street. 

The meeting’s main focus was to help form a community action group interested in collaborating to find solutions to violence and violent crime in Abilene. 

“This is just the first step on a long road to help mend the wounds caused by violence in our City,” Williams said. “We are calling on all of our citizens to be a part of the solution; the responsibility lies within all of us to work together.”

The ACT initiative movement proposes the ideals of accepting responsibility for the current state of crime in the city, collaborating with the community to come up with solutions, and to take action on those solutions.

Pastor Mitchell said he had high hopes for the meeting.

“I am very proud of Abilene for coming together and tackling such a tough and sensitive issue,” he said. “This community action group will organize our efforts and get leaders in our community involved on the ground level.”

The workshop focused on raising awareness, promoting prevention, intervention and protection from violence, and citizens were encouraged to attend and stand up to be a part of the solution.


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