Abilene Police Chief Standridge Responds to Dallas Shootings


Today, the Abilene Police Department released this statement about the events in Dallas.

"Tragedy struck the City of Dallas last night. The Abilene Police Department has strong ties to the men and women of the federal, state, and local first responders in the Dallas area who responded so heroically to this event. Several Abilene Officers have already reached out to those they know in the Dallas Law Enforcement Community to offer support in these difficult times. The Department, along with our City Administration and City Council, express our sincere respect and admiration for the members of the Dallas Police Department, the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Department, and the host of other agencies that responded to this senseless act of violence.

The Department has contacted Dallas Police Administration and offered assistance in any manner needed. The tragedy will consume tremendous resources, as will the subsequent funerals and visiting dignitaries. The daily needs of the community must also be met, so Abilene has offered help and stands ready to assist the Dallas and DART Police Departments, or any other agency that requires assistance related to this matter.

In moments such as these, we are at our best when we are united. May God bless all who were affected by last night’s event. We thank our citizens who have spontaneously sent APD messages, brought food to the police station, and shown support throughout the day today."

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