Equality Texas to Commemorate Anniversary of Gay Marriage and Remember Orlando Victims


Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBT Texans, announced that they will be hosting a series of events in Austin and Dallas to honor the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on marriage equality.

"While commemorating the landmark decision, we have a heavy heart mourning the devastating loss of 49 of our brothers and sisters in Orlando in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history," said Steve Rudner, Chairman of the Board for Equality Texas. "We understand that while one victory has been won, there are many miles to go to reach full equality for Texans. Today, we are launching a battle cry for the future- the LGBT community and millions of everyday Texas allies will not stop fighting until every Texan is treated equally under the laws of the state of Texas.”

In addition to the lives lost in Orlando, at least 20 Texans have been attacked in the Oak Lawn area of Dallas; anti-LGBT rhetoric is fueling an atmosphere of extreme hate; and Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Attorney General Ken Paxton are targeting transgender children, said Rudner.

"In Texas, 67 percent of Texans favor a law protecting LGBT people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. And 53 percent oppose letting a small business owner refuse to serve someone who is LGBT based on their personal religious beliefs. But in Texas, it is completely legal to terminate an employee because of his or her sexual orientation or gender identity or expression," said Equality Texas.

The organization is encouraging Texans to join them on June 26, 2016 for Love Ignites Austin and Love Ignites Dallas to celebrate the anniversary of "a great victory" and to recognize the 49 lives lost in Orlando.

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