Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton Comment on President Obama's Gun Control


Governor Greg Abbott released a statement in response to President Obama’s executive actions imposing gun control measures across the country, said a press release Tuesday.

“The Bill of Rights was added as a specific safeguard to prevent the federal government from denying Americans those guaranteed rights,” Governor Abbott stated. “Today, the President trampled the purpose and substance of the Bill of Rights by unilaterally imposing Second Amendment restrictions. After failing to pass gun control measures through Congress, the President is yet again resorting to unilateral executive action in place of the democratic process. Despite the President’s latest attempt to undermine our liberty, Texas will take every action to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”

In a separate press release, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued the following statement after President Obama announced gun control guidance:

“Once more President Obama is pushing his personal and political agenda, attacking the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners. I stand ready to fight back against any overreach that will deny or infringe on their rights. If the president is truly concerned about keeping our communities and schools safe, he should share the same sense of urgency in closing security gaps – some of his own making – that have made a mockery of our borders and are inviting potential terrorists to infiltrate and attack our nation from within.”

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There are well over 10,000 deadbeat fathers running around having a good time and making more babies in Texas . The mealy mouths are more concerned about stupid gun laws that are not going to affect anyone . They act like the president is going to send in the Marines to confiscate all their weapons including butter knives , what a crock ! Who do they think pays for all those babies , prenatal care , hospital cost , and medicaid , chips and aid to families with dependent children and on and on and on . I don't advocate abandoning these unfortunate children , they don't ask to be born . Those mealy mouths should try to focus on the real problems that are facing this state , the attorney general and his staff of mealy mouths should be forcing these macho men to help pay the cost of rearing their offspring , or go to prison . CPS should become involved when some of these dumb women decide to have children from bums who already have children and are not supporting them . Counseling is in order , mandatory counseling ! I know of cases where men have fathered several children from several different women and they are not providing any type of support , they should go to prison for life , put them on the chain gang busting rocks , under the lash ! This is just one of the many problems this great state is facing , but the mealy mouths focus on imaginary issues , its high time they do their jobs !

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