Reminder: New Driver Education Program Now Required For Texas Teens


AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety is reminding student drivers about the Impact Texas Teen Driver program (ITTD), which went into effect Sept. 1 and is a new requirement for driver license applicants who complete a teen driver education course. The two-hour ITTD program contains several videos that provide awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.

As of September 1, 2015, anyone who takes a teen driver education course – including Parent Taught Driver Education – must also complete the ITTD program, which consists of watching the video and printing out the ITTD completion certificate. ITTD should be completed after the classroom hours and all behind-the-wheel instruction, and it is the last step before taking the driving skills examination. (Individuals aged 18-24, who choose to complete a teen driver education course, must also complete the ITTD program.)

In order to take the driver skills examination, student drivers must present the ITTD completion certificate along with their driver’s education course certificate of completion. The skills examination must be completed within 90 days of date on the ITTD certificate of completion. DPS has been providing information about ITTD when student drivers apply for their learner’s permit.

For more information about ITTD or to complete the course, visit https://impacttexasteendrivers.dps…. You can also visit….

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Well, maybe that might help with a small handful of the kids that are not safe drivers but if the State wants to get serious about preventing accidents, saving property and lives, they will pass law making it illegal for anyone over the age of 70 to get behind the wheel of a car. I drive 6 or 8 hours a day all over this town and maybe 1 or 2 times a month, I see a kid do something really stupid but daily, and 5 or more times a day, I witness some old person pull something stupid and not have a clue what they did or aware of anyone else even being around them.... When I do come up on a wreck in the road, 9 out of 10 times there is some old person involved and most likely the cause of the wreck happening....

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