New Site Manager Named for Fort McKavett State Historic Site


FORT MCKAVETT ––The Texas Historical Commission’s (THC) Historic Sites Division recently announced the promotion of Cody Mobley as site manager for Fort McKavett State Historic Site, located in Fort McKavett. Mobley has worked at Fort McKavett for the past six years, most recently as a Program Specialist.

“Fort McKavett is a remarkable example of one of the state’s real places and I plan on bringing its history to life for the enrichment of our visitors through our interpretive programs and promoting the untold stories of the site,” Mobley said.

Fort McKavett is one of 20 historic sites operated by the THC. The site tells the story of a late-19th-century western fort in an authentic setting of 17 restored buildings and several ruins. The restored buildings include a hospital, post headquarters, barracks, and officer quarters. A historic trail winds down to a lime kiln exhibit, rock quarry, and springs.


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