Bobcats Open 2024: Hear from Coach Smith and QB1 English

SAN ANGELO, TX —  For many across the state, Monday was a big day. It’s the official start of the 2024 high school football season. The Central Bobcats strapped up their chin straps for the first day of practice on Monday morning, August 5, out at San Angelo Stadium.

After a disappointing 1-9 finish last season, the Bobcats brought a new head coach. Enter Coach Mark Smith—a long time high school and college football coach most recently with the Oklahoma Sooners. Coach Smith said earlier this year that this group of Bobcats is hungry for a turnaround, and that was evident on the first day of practice.

The energy was high during the entire duration, and there was plenty of emotion from both players and coaches on display. Smith took time after practice to talk about the ‘Cats’ first day.

“The level of excitement was tremendous today,” Smith said. “I’m just so proud of the guys. We had a group of hungry players who showed up today. They were lined up well before 7 o’clock, ready to go, and that just kind of tells you the excitement that’s around the program.”

That level of excitement is crucial, especially after a losing season. While the ‘Cats finished with a sub-par record, there were several games where a single play made the difference between a win and a loss. That difference shows the extra work Central put in this summer and what extra work they still have to do.

“This team embraces the fact that we have a lot of (work) in front of us,” Smith added. “We know the best days are ahead in this program, but from a culture standpoint, excitement standpoint, where we want the team to start training camp. This was perfect today.”

The ‘Cats suit up in full pads this weekend. For more on the Bobcats' outlook ahead of this season, read Paul Harris’ article on Central’s season preview here.

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