UIL Boys West Texas Basketball Playoff Schedule


Here is the 2025 UIL high school basketball playoff schedule for boys teams in West Texas and the Concho Valley:

Class 6A Division II

Region I


San Angelo Central (24-10) vs. El Paso Eastwood (25-6), 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Fort Stockton

Class 4A Division I

Region I


San Angelo Lake View (14-18) vs. Stephenville (23-9), 6 p.m. Tuesday, San Angelo Lake View

Class 3A Division I

Region I


Jim Ned (21-6) vs. Ingram Moore (19-8), 5 p.m. Monday, Eden

Sweetwater (14-12) vs. Comfort (22-10), TBA

Class 3A Division II

Region I

District 6-3A fourth-place tiebreaker

San Angelo TLCA (9-20) vs. Clyde (15-14), 7:15 p.m. Friday, Winters


Wall (18-12) vs. Blanco (17-11), 6:30 p.m. Monday, San Saba

Brady (14-9) vs. Clyde/San Angelo TLCA, TBA

Class 2A Division I

Region I

District 8-2A Third-Place Tiebreaker

Ballinger (17-15) vs. Coleman (12-12), Time TBA, Friday, Brady

District 7-2A Fourth-Place Tiebreaker

Forsan (17-12) vs. Ozona (12-12), Time TBA, Friday, Mertzon


Reagan County (24-6) vs. Ballinger/Coleman loser, TBA

Forsan/Ozona vs. Ballinger/Coleman winner, TBA

Region IV


Junction (18-6) vs. TBA

Class 2A Division II

Region I


Christoval (20-12) vs. Miles (18-5), 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, San Angelo Central

Sonora (16-15) vs. Roscoe (27-5), 6:30 p.m. Monday, Bronte

Region IV


San Saba (11-13) vs. TBA

Class 1A Division I

Region II


Garden City (11-12) vs. Paint Rock (13-12), TBA

Water Valley (12-5) vs. Menard (18-6), TBA

Class 1A Division II

Region II

District 12-1A fourth-place tiebreaker

Olfen (5-10) vs. Lohn (5-9), 7 p.m. Thursday, Panther Creek


Irion County (16-7) vs. Olfen/Lohn, TBA

Robert Lee (23-6) vs. Rochelle (7-10), 6 p.m. Tuesday, Eden

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