Sonora Golf Standout Dylan Ford Signs With Lubbock Christian University


SONORA, TX — Sonora High School’s Dylan Ford, who won the 2023 Class 2A state golf title, has signed to play the sport at Lubbock Christian University.

Ford made it official during a signing ceremony Tuesday at Sonora High School.

Ford has been in the top 10 at the state golf tournament his first three years in high school.

He tied for fourth as a freshman, won the state title as a sophomore, and tied for sixth last year as a junior.

Ford will play under LCU head coach Jeff Maciejewski, a 2017 San Angelo Central graduate who went on to play at LCU.

On the football field, Ford was an all-state defensive back for Sonora. He produced over 1,000 yards of offense this season as a running back and receiver.

Ford will conclude his high school golf career at Sonora this spring.

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