San Angelo Cowboys Struggle in Round 2 of National Finals Rodeo


LAS VEGAS, NV — Round 2 was a rough one for San Angelo’s competitors at the National Finals Rodeo.

All three tie-down ropers finished out of the money as Joel Harris was 10th (9.7 seconds), Ty Harris was 13th (10.8) and Dylan Hancock was 15th (18.7).

All three entered the night in the top 10 for season earnings with Ty Harris in fourth, Hancock in ninth and Joel Harris in 10th.

Despite the setback, there are still eight remaining rounds for them to make up ground.

Riley Webb, last year’s world champion, won the go-round for the second consecutive night with a time of 7.8 to continue his pursuit of money leader Shad Mayfield.

Mayfield, who was fourth Friday, began the NFR with a more than $60,000 lead over the field, but that advantage has shrunk to about $17,000.

The NFR will continue with Round 3 on Saturday.

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