San Angelo Central Volleyball Opens District With 5-Set Win Over Frenship


SAN ANGELO, TX — The No. 16-ranked San Angelo Central volleyball team opened District 2-6A play Friday with a five-set win at home over Frenship.

Central battled to a 26-24, 23-25, 25-19, 16-25, 15-8 win at Babe Didrikson Gym.

It was the fourth time Central has played a fifth set this year, and the Lady Cats have won all four.

This was the ninth win in a row for the Lady Cats, who improved to 21-2 overall and 1-0 in district play. Frenship fell to 19-12, 0-1.

Central's next match is at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, at Odessa Permian. The Lady Cats' next home match is at 5 p.m. Friday against Odessa High.

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