Cowardly Media Refuses to Call Out Tyreek Hill For His Actions


MIAMI, FL — Now that we’ve seen the bodycam footage from Tyreek Hill’s detainment before his football game Sunday, it appears obvious that it could have been handled better on both sides.

Yet the mainstream media is too scared to report the facts without bias.

The Miami Dolphins’ star wide receiver was pulled over for speeding, was dismissive of the police officer — his first words were, 'Don't knock on my window like that, man.' — then refused to comply with the officer’s request to roll his tinted window back down, which is a serious safety concern for police.

At that point, because of Hill’s refusal to obey the law or officers’ commands, he was told to get out of the vehicle. He didn't immediately comply, so he was then removed from the vehicle and detained.

One of the officers, in particular, seemed overly aggressive during the incident, which resulted in Hill being facedown on the pavement and handcuffed, but the media ignores that it was Hill’s actions that set everything into motion.

The union representing the Miami-Dade officers released a statement that said, in part, Hill "was briefly detained for officer safety, after driving in a manner in which he was putting himself and others in great danger."

Hill, who has been cited for numerous assaults over the years, took no responsibility, and no one around him seemed to consider he might be at fault either.

Instead, it was the police who were vilified and accused of racism. It didn’t matter that the officers were Hispanic, not white. Hill, his teammates, his coach, his organization and the media were all fine with portraying Hill as the victim of racism and police brutality.

In an interview with CNN afterward, Hill said he wanted to try and be a part of change, though of course he had no interest in changing his own behavior.

“We done tried it all. We done protest. We even took a knee. We done did walks. So what’s next?” Hill said “Me and my wife are brainstorming on how we can be a part of this change. It’s important to us. We want to be able to change lives all across the world – not just Miami."

After Hill was released from police custody at the scene, he went on to play later that day and scored a touchdown for the Dolphins.

He celebrated by having a teammate pretend to handcuff him.

He has long been a terrible role model for all the kids that look up to him, but he’s the fastest player in the NFL, so he gets a free pass.

He was dismissed from Oklahoma State University after his pregnant girlfriend said he punched her in the stomach and face.

That hurt his draft stock, but the Kansas City Chiefs took a fifth-round flier on him after he ran a 4.25-second 40-yard dash.

Not long after, he was under police investigation after his 3-year-old son suffered a broken arm, and audio recordings were released of his fiance saying his son was terrified of him.

“You need to be terrified of me, too,” Hill responded.

Last summer, Hill was involved in an altercation at a Miami marina in which he reportedly slapped an employee in the back of the head after a disagreement.

To summarize, Hill has been the opposite of a good citizen. His actions have been overlooked because of his talent.

“What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill?’ he asked after Sunday’s incident, then suggested he could have been killed if he was just another black man.

The truth is that he continues to do whatever he wants because he’s Tyreek Hill, and the mainstream media enables it by pretending he’s the victim.

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Let's talk basketball: Yao Ming was the Greatest Of All Time. LeBron just turned basketball into a scripted circus like professional wrestling to appease mindless groupies waiting to drop their undies and willing throw away their money into the NBA's offering plate.

I understand that this story is covering a football player, but a point needs to be made: Basketball was mastered and completed by Yao Ming. Any further basketball is just an onanistic groupie obsession. This is not an opinion, per se, but rather an ontologically correct statement of objective fact.

Yao Ming completed basketball, and now all of the actual basketball has been played. Football is still getting there.

Also, we have a class based, multi-tiered justice system at this point in history. Conviction and punishment for many crimes is only for the growing number of proto-peons. Exceptions to this general rule look like the Alec Baldwin case.

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