Former Packers and Cowboys Receiver Narrowly Escapes House Fire


NASHVILLE, TN — Former Green Bay Packers great and Cowboys' wide receiver Randall Cobb narrowly avoided a harrowing situation this week. On Wednesday night, June 26, Cobb made a post on his Instagram about how he and his family narrowly escaped a dangerous housefire at their home in Nashville, Tennessee.

Randall Cobb Instagram Post

Randall Cobb Instagram Post


"Thank you all for the love and positive messages," Cobb said in the Instagram post. "First and foremost, we are all safe and healthy. We got out of the house, and I was able to go back in and get our dog, Louie. We can't thank Chief Caruthers, Captain Irvin, and the Nashville Fire Department enough for their swift action."

The wideout thanked the Nashville Fire Department for their swift action. According to, the fire originally started in the garage. Cobb shared pictures from the aftermath that destroyed much of his and his family's home.

Scenes from the fire at NFL WR Randall Cobb's Nashville Home

Scenes from the fire at NFL WR Randall Cobb's Nashville Home


"Unfortunately, we don't know how much, if anything, will be salvageable," the post continued. "This has been a reminder that nothing is more important than the health of our family."

Cobb is currently a free agent in the NFL and most recently played last season with the New York Jets. He was one of the Green Bay Packers receivers that followed former quarterback Aaron Rodgers to New York when Rodgers signed with the Jets. Cobb played 10 of his 12 NFL seasons with the Packers, one with the Dallas Cowboys, and one with the New York Jets.


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