2024 Central Bobcats Summer Baseball Camp


SAN ANGELO, TX — Central Bobcats Head Baseball Coach Stan Gideon held his annual Bobcats Baseball Camp out at the SAY Baseball Complex located at 4565 Arden Rd. Campers ranging from elementary school to entering high school came out to practice all the fundamentals of baseball for a four-day camp.

San Angelo LIVE!’s Ryan Chadwick interviewed Head Coach Gideon after camp on Wednesday to talk about the camp and coaching these kids in general. Watch that interview below:

The Bobcats Summer Baseball Camp is an excellent opportunity for the kids around the Concho Valley to improve their baseball skills. Gideon stressed the importance of starting baseball early if they want to be successful later on.

Central Bobcats Baseball Camp

Central Bobcats Baseball Camp

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

Central Bobcats Baseball Camp

Central Bobcats Baseball Camp

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

“Baseball is one of these games that [while] you can catch up, the earlier you get started in any athletic endeavor, the better off you will be,” Gideon said.

Activities ranged from throwing drills, infield and outfield specific catching drills, and hitting. Campers took frequent breaks from the hot sun and seemed to have a blast all around. The camp will conclude on Thursday, June 6.

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