Bizarre Fake High School Football Program Documentary on Max


HOLLYWOOD— A documentary focused on a fake high school that played on ESPN is expected to hit HBO later this month.

HBO released a trailer for “BS High”. The doc will focus on Bishop Sycamore, the fake high school that made it on ESPN a few years ago. In the game aired on ESPN, on August 29, 2021, Bishop Sycamore played IMG Academy and was stomped 58-0 on national television. The only thing was, Bishop Sycamore wasn’t a real school.

The fake program lured players to the school with promises of big dreams like playing college ball in the SEC but it wasn’t real. There were no classes, no teachers, and players on the field were sharing helmets and playing two games in two days.

The coach for the fake program, Roy Johnson, had active warrants out of Ohio and Delaware.

BS High hits Max on August 23, 2023.

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