Blue Seats in San Angelo Stadium Are Being Removed


SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo Stadium is getting a mini-facelift. At the San Angelo Independent School District board meeting on Monday, April 17, the trustees approved a bleacher replacement for the middle sections on the home side of San Angelo Stadium.

Currently, the stadium seating in the middle of the stadium consists of blue, plastic stadium chairs. From the school board's agenda, they said, “The current middle section of seating, on the home side, needed to be replaced. Many of the plastic backs had cracks or were beginning to crack.”

But football fans are not going to get more of those same blue seats. The agenda went on to say, “During the selection of replacement seats, it was determined by Athletics that bleachers were the best option. Not only would it add additional seating by removing the plastic seats, but it would also allow fans to bring their own preferred stadium seats. An RFP (request for proposal) was produced for the replacement of the forty rows of bleachers in the middle of the home section.”

The cost for this project will be $71,685. The School District only received one bid for this project from Sturdisteel Company. The School Board has budgeted for the cost of the renovation, and construction will start anywhere from 7/10-7/24/23. The estimated completion date is 7/31/23.

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