Looking for an affordable extracurricular activity for your child to participate in on the weekends? Starting today, registration begins at Stadium Lanes from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. for the San Angelo Youth Bowling League 2016-2017 season. Students can also register August 27 and September 3rd. Parents may fill out the registration form and leave it with the front desk staff, or bring it to the first day of bowling.

The youth league schedule, included with the registration packet, should have all the info parents need: registration and weekly fees as well as contact phone numbers for the Youth Board.
Suzanne Torres, President of the San Angelo United States Bowling Congress (SAUSBC), said, "The City Bowling Tournament this past Spring was a great success (click here)," and they are "looking forward to the start of this new season for the youth."

Besides strengthening muscles, bowling contributes to weight loss, is a fun way to socialize, easy to learn, and is a great way to work on eye-hand coordination.
For more information, check out San Angelo Youth Bowling on Facebook or call Suzanne Torres at 325-374-6964.
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