WATCH: Drone Footage of College Hills Reconstruction

SAN ANGELO, TX – The College Hills Reconstruction Project is making its way down to Loop 306 and the City of San Angelo recently released drone footage of the progress.

The project began nearly a year and a half ago, in May 2022, with the goal of reconstructing the roadway, drainage work, underground utilities, signalized intersection upgrades, and ADA-compliant sidewalks and ramps.

Phase one began with utility work on the north side (Millbrook to Avenue N), followed by reconstruction of the roadway. The south side will follow. Sewer and water utilities on the north side are 100% complete; water utility replacement is 100% complete. North and south low water crossings are both completed and open. Wastewater and stormwater construction from Vista del Arroyo to Loop 306 is now underway.

The video above shows the progress of the road from the beginning up to Oct. 7, 2023. The drone footage was provided by the City of San Angelo.

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