WATCH: 12 Days of Cheer

SAN ANGELO, TX – Mammoth Roofing, Walmart, along with a number of other agencies partnered this year to give 12 children a Christmas to remember during this year's 12 days of Christmas.

"It means more to me than I can explain," said Trisha Lira, CEO, and Owner of Mammoth Roofing. "All those worries of whatever is going on, whatever home experience they have, or any situation just being able to take off that and say "this is my moment" is incredible."

During the event, children and their families were able to travel around the store for 10 minutes to fill their baskets with toys. Mammoth Roofing was even able to help out the parents by letting them get a few household items.

"I am just thankful and are hoping for more businesses to get a part of this. We were able to do 12 kids this year and these kids were so overwhelmed and overjoyed," said Lira. "We have already talked to other businesses and organizations who want to be a part of this next year and we are super excited."

Mammoth Roofing will be releasing 12 videos on their Facebook page beginning today until Christmas following each child and their family as they were given the opportunity to fill their baskets with Christmas Cheer. 

WATCH as Trisha Lira gives the story of why her company chose to give back to San Angelo while the recipients of Mammoth Roofing's 12 Days of Cheer tell their story of what it meant to receive Christmas cheer. 


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